Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pride goes before destruction . . .

Most of us are aware of the words of the wise man, "Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall" (Prov. 16:18). Pride is one of the most insideous of sins. It creeps into our life without notice and then robs us of our influence, example and character.

Someone wisely said, "To truly know a man, watch how he handles success rather than failure. When we fail, our pride supports us, but when we succeed, it betrays us." I have little trouble being humble when life is hard. I am reminded of just how dependent I am on God and how little I can do without Him. It has always been in my successes that my character is most challenged. I tend to get a little too big for my britches, but God is quick to size me up.

Throughout the Bible we have seen the tragic effects of pride. Moses was not allowed ot enter the promise land because of pride; Nebuchadnezzer lost his kingdom because of pride, and Peter denied Christ because he was just so sure he couldn't fall.

Working in the mission field for the past couple of decades I have seen our brethren ruin good men and good works because of pride. We prop men up, we drape them in praise and glory and then wonder why they think they are more important than the work they are doing. I have seen far too many godly men destroyed because their successes betrayed them. I have often prayed for God to keep me humble, but I have not always liked the manner in which that prayer is answered.

A study of church history will quickly remind us that the church prospers in adversity. While I don't wish persecution or hardship on the people of God - there is a sense in which we must always labor for the kingdom. Our commitment to God can be measured in our toil, sweat and tears. May God always challenge our faith, bring us growth through struggles and hardship, and bless us because of our meek and contrite hearts.

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